Parent/Guardian Notification

Parent/Guardian notification letter templates available on this web page are to notify parents and guardians about the various testing options that local educational agencies (LEAs) may employ to complete testing. An LEA may use whatever method fits its needs to notify parents and guardians about the test administration. These letters can be customized and used as a printed document or provided to parents and guardians electronically.

Additionally, the Identification & Parent Notification letters are posted on the CDE Identification & Parent Notification Requirements Link to external site web page. These sample letters are made available to assist LEAs that use funds under Title I or Title III to provide a language instruction educational program as determined under Title III. Each of those LEAs must inform parents or guardians when their English learner student is identified for participation or is participating in such a program. This must be done no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year.

Statewide Notification Template

Summative ELPAC Testing Notification Letter Templates

Summative Alternate ELPAC Testing Notification Letter Templates

Initial ELPAC Testing Notification Letter Templates

Initial Alternate ELPAC Testing Notification Letter Templates