Technology Resources

This page contains resources for technology coordinators and other local educational agency (LEA) staff responsible for managing the technology for online English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) and California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing.

Secure Browsers

Secure Browsers web page external icon

  • A secure browser is required on every student device for online testing.
  • The Secure Browsers web page provides information about supported operating systems and devices, and how to download a secure browser to supported devices.

Web-based Student Testing Interface

  • The Student Testing Interface external icon should be opened by test examiners administering the Initial ELPAC, the Summative ELPAC Reading, Listening, and Speaking domain for students in K–2 and the Speaking domain for K–12 students.

Network and System Diagnostics

Network Diagnostics web page external icon

  • This web page allows users to select the test and expected number of test takers to which reports network download and upload capacity to verify adequate bandwidth for testing.


CAASPP and ELPAC Technical Specifications and Configuration Guide for Online Testing external icon

  • This manual provides detailed information about hardware and software, peripheral equipment requirements, as well as details on network and secure browser configuration.
  • The Technology Coordinator Checklist external icon (Posted 06/23/23) is meant to organize the activities necessary to ensure the successful administration of the CAASPP and ELPAC assessments, including interim assessments.

System Downtime

ELPAC Planned System Downtime web page

CAASPP Planned System Downtime external icon web page

  • These web pages display dates when various systems will be unavailable for testing.
  • They include regular weekend maintenance dates that will be used only if needed.

Technical Issues and Enhancements

ELPAC Known Issues Log web page

CAASPP Known Issues Log external icon web page

  • These web pages display known issues that have an impact on testing and resolutions to the issues once identified.

ELPAC System Enhancements web page

CAASPP System Enhancements external icon web page

  • These web pages include planned system enhancements and estimated release dates.

Email Communications

ELPAC Coordinator Emails web page

CAASPP Coordinator Emails external icon web page

  • These web pages display links to email communications that were sent to LEA coordinators, technology coordinators, and other LEA staff.
  • Archived emails contain information about updates to supported operating systems and browsers, as well as planned system downtime.

Technology Readiness Checker for Students (TRCS)

Technology Readiness Checker for Students external icon

How to Use the Technology Readiness Checker for Students

Technology Readiness Checker for Student Support Guidelines

  • The TRCS is a game-like tool students navigate to create a storyboard. The navigation through the TRCS is similar to the navigation used in a computer-based assessment and can be used to identify the student’s technology readiness.
  • The TRCS is not an assessment, does not provide scores, and is entirely optional.